RLS Articles

Schedule A Required for New Development Buildings


December 3, 2023

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To provide full transparency in sharing data to all RLS Participants, starting January 8th, a copy of the initial or current Schedule A will be required to be submitted to RLSSupport@REBNY.com for New Developments upon entry of the first listing into the RLS and will be available here for access.

Please see requirements below:

  1. Agent will be required to submit the Schedule A to RLSSupport@REBNY.com no later than when the first listing of the New Development is entered into the RLS.

    1. Any amendments that follow will be optional for submission but not required

    2. Any non-exclusive member will be permitted to submit the schedule

  2. When submitting the Schedule A (it must be in PDF and not altered in any way). Agents will include the following information:

    1. Building Name

    2. Building Address

    3. Year Built

  3. All schedule As will be published here within 3 business days from submission. Members will be able to access the Schedule As by logging in with their member portal credentials.

Those that do not provide the Schedule A as soon as the first listing is disseminated will be in violation of the Universal CoBrokerage Agreement Article 1, Section 6.

These requirements will not apply to any New Developments that have come to market prior to January 8th, 2024.