NYC Residential Sales Reports

Q3 2017 Residential Sales Report


November 13, 2017

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The New York City residential sales market recorded a one
percent decrease in citywide consideration (monetary value
for completed transactions) totaling $13.5 billion in the third
quarter of 2017, compared with the third quarter of 2016.
The average sales price for a home (cooperatives,
condominiums, and one-to-three family dwellings) in New
York City rose one percent year-over-year to $987,000 in
the third quarter of 2017.
New records were set for coop average sales prices in
Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens; for the condo average
sales price in Queens; and for one-to-three family dwelling
average sales prices in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten
The average sales price for a condominium in Manhattan
eased off all-time highs to $2,524,000 this quarter, a 14
percent decrease year-over-year due to fewer recordings of
sales in top tier new developments.