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Recommended Situational Guidelines for Real Estate Licensees

Neil B. Garfinkel

REBNY Broker Counsel

May 25, 2020

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There seems to be confusion about what activities real estate licensees (“Licensees”) can and cannot engage in under the current “Stay at Home” Executive Order. Can you please provide guidance in this regard?



The New York State “On Pause” Executive Order (the “EO”) is still in place. The EO states that Licensees are expected to work from home. REBNY strictly interprets the EO to mean that any activity that a Licensee engages in which requires the Licensee to leave their home, and have in-person contact with others (whether direct or indirect), is not permissible under the EO.  
In order to provide further guidance and to answer various questions that are being posed to us, REBNY has created Coronavirus (COVID-19) Recommended Situational Guidelines (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines can be found here.  

Please note these Guidelines are based upon REBNY’s interpretations of the EO, and in particular, driven by the unique density and the inherent public safety issues that face our membership and the New York City real estate industry. Please note that currently four of New York City’s boroughs are in the top ten localities with confirmed cases of COVID-19 according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.