Fair Housing Friday

Special Alert: Fair Housing Friday – Notice for Reasonable Accommodations Update

Neil B. Garfinkel

REBNY Broker Counsel

May 23, 2022

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Notice of Tenants’ Rights to Reasonable Modifications and Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities Finalized

As of May 18, 2022 the New York State Division of Human Rights published a Notice of Adoption in the New York State Register for a new disclosure form, the “Notice of Tenants’ Rights to Reasonable Modifications and Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities” (the “Notice”). The obligation to deliver the Notice is effective immediately. Real estate brokers must provide the Notice to all prospective tenants upon first substantive contact with the tenant whether by electronic delivery or hardcopy.  The Notice does not require a prospective tenant’s signature.

The Notice for real estate brokers can be downloaded below.


Housing providers such as landlords, sub-lessees, and managing agents must provide the Notice to a tenant within 30 days of tenancy.  The Notice must include the telephone number and email of the property manager or other person responsible for accepting reasonable accommodation requests.

The Notice for housing providers can be downloaded below.

In addition to delivering the Notice, housing providers and real estate brokers must prominently and conspicuously post a link to the Notice on the homepage of their websites.
We will provide a detailed FAQ and further guidance regarding the Notice shortly.